Hydraulic Seals: Three Fundamental Tips for Effective Use

2 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The improper installation of hydraulic seals will result in leakage of fluid and subsequent compromise of the system. Therefore, if you are building or repairing commercial equipment or industrial machinery, you need to ensure the correct placement of sealing products for optimal performance and durability. Here are some critical guidelines for promoting good results when using hydraulic seals.

Choose Good Seals

The right seals are essential for the stable function of a hydraulic system. Besides, quality installation will not matter if the products are not well-matched with the equipment. If you are preparing for the purchase of hydraulic seals, consider the design and construction of your machinery. The details will promote the acquisition of the most suitable products. The most critical but overlooked factor in seals purchase is the hydraulic fluid. Different machines utilise various liquids for operation. These fluids are not similar, and their compatibility with seals varies. A bad match will cause the fluid to wear out the seals. Therefore, check the outlined compatible fluids before purchasing hydraulic seals.

The operating environment will also determine the performance of sealing products. Evaluate the environmental parameters of the equipment and match the specifications with the seals on the market. The important operating factors are temperature and pressure. Review the ratings of different seals and ensure they surpass the equipment conditions. Finally, consider the seal sizing requirements for your hydraulic equipment. An unsuitable product size will not create a tight seal in the systems.

Clean the Supplies

The presence of contaminants in a hydraulic system will compromise performance and durability. Therefore, you must not introduce pollutants into the equipment when installing the newly acquired seals. Check the condition of your seals and clean the surfaces before placement into the system. Use a lint-free fabric to prevent the deposition of fibres.

You should also use clean tools for the installation task. Wipe all the project tools to eliminate dust and grime. Dirt will prevent proper sealing. Additionally, maintain a clean workspace during the process to protect the integrity of the equipment.

Lubricate the Seals

Lubrication will improve the performance of the seals after placement into the equipment. The material will create a tighter bond between the seal and the elements being connected in the hydraulic system. Also, this precaution will minimise the abrasion of the flexible seals and prolong the service life. Diverse lubricants, including petroleum, barium and silicone greases, are useful for hydraulic systems.

Choosing and installing hydraulic seals in commercial and industrial equipment is challenging. Consult your specialist supplier for guidance if you are uncertain about your choices. 
